Awesome French Tip Nail Designs 2016

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Awesome French Tip Nail Designs 2016

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Awesome French Tip Nail Designs 2016

Tips for the best French tips

French tips are probably the most popular and well liked nail art design of all seasons. It’s because you can paint them in almost any theme and design and they fit just about any occasion. They can be considered as all time favorites because of their flexibility towards the designs. French tip nail art designs can vary from being simple, classy, and elegant, to cute, chic and awesome. They are the chameleons of the nail art design world.

As much as they are very easy to make, there are still a lot of tips and suggestions that you can use to be able to paint just about the perfect French tips on your nails. You may have mastered putting them on by practice, or by painting them on as often as you like, but you may find some very good ideas below that can help you make your French tip nail art designs go as smoothly as possible.

Tips for French nail art designs

For straight looking French tips you can try putting scotch tape on the bottom half of the nails. After that, paint the top part with the white polish. When you are done painting all your fingernails you can take off the scotch tape and simply cover your nails with clear or sheer pink coat n top. Easy, fast and clean looking French tips. This applies to those who would like to paint on simple and classic looking French tips without the hassle of crooked lines.

Another thing you can do if you’re not one who likes putting tape over your nails is manually applying the tips yourself. For this you will need a steady hand a good grip on the brush, carefully paint the tips of your nails with the white nail polish and use a Q-tip to clean the mistakes. Dip the Q-tip in nail polish remover and gently dab it over the parts that you want removed from the nails.

You can also use masking tape as stencil to achieve the straight white line. You should make sure that you push the tape all the way down for the white polish not to soak accidentally under it. Removing mistakes would make things harder so it is wise to make sure that the tape is indeed intact before painting. Also make sure not to take off the tape until the nail polish has completely dried. If you take off the tape too early it will have the possibility of smudging.

Now if you’re not that confident of using tapes or having a steady hand, you can always go and look for manicure kits that specialize in French tips. You can find the French manicure pen that helps you in drawing the French tip line with ease. The kits usually come with a base coat as well as clear coat that you can readily use. This is perfect especially for beginners who want to get the hang of creating French tips not only for their nails but for their friends as well.

There is also another technique in using tape and that is contouring the tape to the shape of your nail tips. cut the tape into the curve shape of your nail and stick the tape on the bottom part, just below the space where you are filling in your French tip. When you are done securing the tape, carefully paint over the top parts of the nail where there is no tape. You are following the curve of the tape so this is a perfect technique if you have shaky hands. Make sure that the nail polish is dry before removing it and using nail polish remover to remove the mistakes before you paint the final clear coat on top of it.

Of course, the type of nail polish that you use can be subjective. You can use an expensive brand or if you’re on the budgeted side you can even use something as conventional as white out. Just use a very light pink polish as your base and carefully paint a thin strip of white out on the tips of your nails to provide as the French tip. If you’re not really into collecting polishes then this can be perfect for you.

Whatever technique you use, make sure that you clean your nails thoroughly first. Use a nail file if needed and massage cuticle oils unto each nail for best results. Prepare your equipment beforehand and make sure that your tools are clean to prevent just about any infection on your nails. last but not the least have fun! Be creative and unique. There are plenty of tutorials online that you can look up to find the best French tip nail art design you want to recreate. Get references and motivation from a wide array of choices below.

Pretty white and sheer pink French tip with details painted in black polish. Add more drama to your French tips with matching pink ribbons and gold beads on top.

Simple yet elegant white French tips. Give your classic French tip designs a twist by adding silver beads aligning the tip and small details painted in white polish.

Simple yet elegant white French tips. Give your classic French tip designs a twist by adding silver beads aligning the tip and small details painted in white polish.

Baby pink and white French tips. Paint your nails in matte baby pink polish and simply paint a thin layer of white French tips. Add a small lining of black polish in between to distinguish the tip from the body.

Colorful candy colored French tips. Combine crazy designs such as stripes, polka dots and flowers into your French tips as well as adding heart and ribbon embellishments on top for effect.

Snowflake inspired French tips. Use white and clear coat to achieve this look. After painting on the French tips you can play with small and big snowflake details and paint them on top of the nails.

Maroon and black themed French tips. Create a dark inspired design for your French tips by adding black lace details on your nails.

Summer inspired French tips. Dip your nails into neon orange French tips and emphasize the summer fun by adding silver glitter on top.

White French tips and floral designs. Add pretty flora designs with your French tips to make your nails look classy yet endearing at the same time.

White French tips with flowers and strawberries. Give life to your simple white French tips by adding small details of red strawberries and pink flowers on top of the nails.

Lace designed white French tips. Beautiful and artistically looking French tips with lace designs in white nail polish on the bottom part of the nails.

Yellow and black French tip nail designs. Gives your French tips a twist by adding elaborate lace designs in black nail polish.

Cute baby blue French tips. Have that fresh and sweet look on your nails by adding baby blue French tips with your white French tips together. You can also add embellishments on top of the nails such as silver and colored beads.

Colorful glitter French tips. Who says that French tips need to be in one color? Play around with bold and dark colors in glitter nail polish to make them stand out.

Pretty white French tips in flora design. Add a beautiful flower design on top of your French tips to give that glowing and elegant feel to the design.

Midnight blue and silver French tips. Paint your French tips in striking midnight blue polish while adding silver glitter polish on your other nails for effect.

White French tips with floral details painted in black polish. Make your nails truly stand out with these elegant looking flower designs painted on top of them.

Pink and blue green French tips. Paint on attractive nail polish coats for your French tips and add neon colored flower details on top. You can also add silver beads on the cuticles to enhance the dazzling effect.

Beige, brown and gold themed French tips. If you over earthy colors then this color ensemble are best for you, separate the base and the French tip colors with a thin gold strip in between.

Gold and rose themed French tips. A fairly attractive looking color combination where you paint a thin strip of gold nail polish for your French tips while it complements the rose colored base color.

Black and glitter French tips. Let your nails look fierce by adding black as the French tip color and enhancing it by using glitter polish as the base.

Gold and orange French tips. Tip your nails in gold nail polish above a base of matte orange. Add more flavor to the design by painting golden stripes over the base.

Gray and silver French tips. Accentuate your nails but adding stencil and silver glitter polishes on the matte gray base.

Cute baby colored nails in gold French tips. Make your nails more noticeable by adding cute and light baby colored nail polish in contrast to the strong and bold golden French tips.

Aqua blue French tips. Add a bit of style to your French tips by adding a little edge on the side coupled with embellishments on top to add to the effect.

Midnight blue colored French tips with snowflakes in white polish. Use glitter polish for the midnight blue French tips and top off the design with pretty white snowflakes.

Light sea green and silver nail polish design. Give life to that matte sea green nail polish by adding a striking coat of silver glitter polish for accent.

Silver and blue French tips. Keep it simple and paint two strips of the blue and silver nail polish to complete your French tip.

Beautiful white and blue French tips. Use the white polish as your French tip and paint on pretty and detailed lace designs in blue hues and white polish on your nails.

Adorable looking candy colored French tips. You can also add lace designs below the French tips in black nail polish. The white polka dots on the French tips also add to the cuteness factor of the design.

White French tips with sunflower details. A perfect nail polish design for the summer where you paint a sunflower detail on top of the French tips.

Melon colored French tips and gold glitter nail polish. Make your nails stand out with striking French tips, glitter polish in gold and a melon hued ribbon embellishment on top.

Pink and gold French tips. Elegant looking gold French tips on top of a pink base. Thin details of lace designs in black polish are also added on top with pink beads.

Brightly colored yellow, orange and white French tips. Give your French tips life with this bright and summer inspired ensemble arranged in stripes.

Black French tips in yellow base. These contrasting colors look best together as you paint lace designs in black polish on the tips of the nails.

Pretty white and pink French tips. Add excitement to your white French tips while adding detailed lace designs in pink polish near the cuticles of your nails and adding silver beads on top for effect.

Read More: Nenunoc Reative

Awesome French Tip Nail Designs 2016

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