Amazingly Creative Music Tattoos 2016

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Amazingly Creative Music Tattoos 2016

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Amazingly Creative Music Tattoos 2016

Many people share a love of tattoos with a love of music, so a design inspired by music makes a wonderful and personal tattoo. Your music tattoo design can be very specific, for example musical notes or a design inspired by your favorite band, or more abstract, like an image taken from song lyrics. Whether it’s black and gray or in vivid color, a small subtle design or a massive masterpiece, something literal or something abstract, you can make your design deeply personal to you. Whatever direction you choose to go in for your music tattoo design, take some inspiration from the fabulous ideas shown in the designs below.

Musical Note Tattoo Designs

Whether you can actually read music or not, choosing a musical note as your music tattoo design is a great and clearly understandable way of showing your passion for music. A musical note is a very recognizable symbol across all cultures and languages, and can be made as large or as tiny as you like. If you only want a small tattoo, then a musical note in a semi-hidden place such as behind your ear, on your inner wrist or on your foot or ankle is a cool way to get an awesome tattoo. If you’re looking for something larger and more obvious then why not have a string of notes trailing down your ribcage, or some sheet music tattooed on your arm or leg?

Song Lyric Music Tattoo Designs

Another popular choice for tattoo designs inspired by music is actual song lyrics, and whether you choose lyrics from your favorite song or lyrics that inspire you for other reasons, they make a fantastic and beautiful design. You can choose whichever script is your personal favorite, and depending on the length of the lyrics you’ve chosen it would work on all different parts of your body. A few words would fit perfectly on your foot or arm, but if you’re looking for a longer section of a song that comes to a number of lines then you’d be better off having the tattoo somewhere like your thigh or down the side of your ribcage.

Microphone Tattoo Designs

Choosing the image of a vintage style microphone makes an awesome music tattoo design, and it can be tattooed either on its own or with the addition of other images to suit your own tastes. It’s often accomplished singers that have microphone tattoos, in order to show their love for the craft, but even if you’re tone deaf and can’t sing a note there’s nothing stopping you from getting one too. You could use a microphone as the centerpiece of a music inspired sleeve tattoo, or add just about anything you like around it, such as flowers, song lyrics or even flames.

Musical Instrument Tattoo Designs

If you play an instrument, particularly like the sound one makes or simply think one would make a cool tattoo design, then there are countless options out there. A popular choice is to go for a tattoo of a guitar, but you could also choose a flute, a harp, a saxophone or a trumpet. Depending on your choice of instrument, your tattoo would fit just about anywhere on your body, but think about how much detail is needed for that particular instrument before you decide to go too small. Some instruments, like a guitar, will work well as small tattoos as they’re easily recognized by their shape, but if you’re going to go for a drum kit for example, you’ll definitely need a fair amount of room.

Piano Key Music Tattoo Designs

Whether or not you actually play the piano, a tattoo of piano keys makes a great tribute to your love of music. As piano keys are black and white, this makes a perfect black and gray tattoo, but you can add a splash of color if you want by including other images within the tattoo.

Band Tattoo Designs

A fun way to proclaim your musical taste through your tattoos is to have a band tattoo. Some bands have a particular logo, image or style of script, so that would be an easy option, but you could also go for lyrics or images that relate to the band. One thing to seriously consider is if this is a band you’re always going to love, because if they end up a shameful secret you probably won’t want their name emblazoned on your body for the rest of your life . . . or until you can afford laser removal!

Read More: Barney Frank

Amazingly Creative Music Tattoos 2016

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